Brief One: The Location of “Communities of Concern” and Low-Income Residents in the Bay Area.
Brief One: One-Stop Centers are run by the Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and provide job training, job placement programs, and other services related to businesses in specific workforce investment areas.
Brief Two: Transit Frequency and Communities of Concern
Brief Two: The location of jobs throughout the region
Brief Two: Middle-Income Job Concentrations in the Bay Area
Brief 2: Morning Transit Frequencies Compared: 4 a.m. to 5 a.m.
Brief Two: Morning Transit Frequencies Compared: 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Brief Two: Evening Transit Frequencies Compared: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Brief Two: Evening Transit Frequencies Compared: 11 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Brief Two: Animation of Bay Area Transit Frequencies
Brief Two: Jobs in four Example Centers: Downtown Oakland, Bishop Ranch, Moffett Park, and SFO.
Brief Two: Commuting Pattern to SFO.
Brief Two: Where workers in Download Oakland live.
Brief Three: Where workers at Bishop Ranch live.
Brief Two: Where workers at Moffett Park live.
Brief Three: East Bay Advanced and Food Manufacturing Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: South Bay Advanced and Food Manufacturing Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: Workforce Training Locations in Advanced and Food Manufacturing.
East Bay Transportation and Warehousing Firms Proximity to Transit
South Bay Transportation and Warehousing Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: Workforce Training Locations in Transportation and Warehousing
Brief Three: East Bay Biotech Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: South Bay Biotech Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: Workforce Training Locations in Biotech and STEM courses.
Brief Three: East Bay Energy Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: South Bay Energy Firms Proximity to Transit
Brief Three: Workforce Training Locations in Energy
Brief Three: East Bay Healthcare firms proximity to transit
Brief Three: South Bay Healthcare firms proximity to transit
Brief Three: Workforce training locations in healthcare
Brief Three: East Bay IT firms proximity to transit
Brief Three: South Bay IT firms proximity to transit
Brief Three: Workforce Training Locations in IT Workforce Profile